Super Smash Bros. Gets Steamy In Today’s Update

Super Smash Bros.

One of the major parts of Super Smash Bros. bave always been the damage counters on each player and knowing that the higher it is, the better chance you having of getting a KO. Typically the only indication we had in the past was the counters on screen.

To make it even better this time around, Masahiro Sakurai has added something a little new that he has shown off in today’s update, and it’s certainly going to get quite steamy.

Pic of the day. Characters that have heavy damage slowly start to emit steam. When your opponent starts to get nice and smoky, give ’em a solid attack!

These little nuances that keep getting added to the game prove that how much Sakurai is invested in making this game as good as it can be and I truly hope it pays off.