Super Smash Bros. Now Has Collectible Stage Trophies

Super Smash Bros.

When Super Smash Bros. Melee launched right around the time that the GameCube’s release, the game brought so many new features to the series, with one of those being the ability to collect an abundance of different trophies based on characters in the game and plenty of those not. We’ve seen a few that will be available in this game like Wonder Red, but now we’ve learned about a new trophy type we should expect to see in the upcoming Super Smash Bros.

Masahiro Sakurai revealed that there will not be trophies based on stages in a Miiverse post.

Pic of the day. Some stages have been shrunk down and made into trophies, like this one of Tortimer Island for the 3DS version. I wish I could have a figurine like this in real life.

It is interesting that only some stages have been shrunk down into trophy form, so what will decide which are and which aren’t? Also, it is good to see an image of trophies on the 3DS version.