Witcher 3 Devs Comment On Differences Between PlayStation 4 & Xbox One

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Balázs Török, CD Projekt‘s Lead Engine Programmer, has recently revealed the difference with developing for the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.

CD Projekt is currently developing both The Witcher 3 and Cyberpunk 2077 for PC and the next generation consoles, the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. Speaking in an interview with Eurogamer Török explained how developing for the PlayStation 4 is more complicated but that they are not holding either version back.

“The Xbox One is pretty easy to understand because not just the hardware is similar to the PC, but everything like the SDK, the API is really similar to what you would find on a PC. On PS4 this is a little bit more complicated, but I personally worked on PS3 before.”

Török later added when questioned, “No we are not holding it back it’s just we are not at the stage right now to go in and optimise on each platform specifically.” So it seems there maybe differences but currently development is pretty much equal for the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.