DICE Aware Of Battlefield 4 Battlepack Problems

battlefield 4 screenshot 1EA DICE has been quick to offer positive words after numerous Battlefield 4 players have complained of lost progression and battlepack glitches.

Many gamers have been complaining of glitches with opening the battlepacks, which are given to gamers when they progress through levels on the multiplayer element of the title. Some have even spoken about having to reopen packs from over 10 levels ago. Progression is also not being saved properly for all if they leave games early. There doesn’t seem to be any definite link behind it; DICE has been quick to recognise the problem and their official word is currently, “We’re aware of it and we’re looking into it”.

So, for now you will have to put up with reopening battlepacks and having to hope that some of your progression isn’t lost next time you log back on. Thankfully, this isn’t affecting all gamers and is only causing problems sporadically resulting in most players not even noticing the issue.

One thought on “DICE Aware Of Battlefield 4 Battlepack Problems

  1. Has happened to me. It lets me re-open all of my previous packs whenever I restart my xbox seems like…Its crazy because I earn all new scopes and emblems etc. But lose all my xp boost that I got from the battlepacks. Only did it once, didn’t wanna ruin the game. I thought I was reopening old ones til i got stuff and was 0_o… I’m sure they’ll patch it soon.

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