inFamous 2 Easter Egg Parodying Video Game Names

If you stumble across the movie theatre in inFamous 2, you will realize that the movie names are fun parodies of several popular video games.

The movie theatre is called “Hush” in inFamous 2 and is showing 7 movies that video gamers may (or may not) recognise.

Here’s the list of all 7 movies and the video games they parody:

Assassin’s Need (Love Too) – Assassin’s Creed
Hey, Low Reach – Halo Reach
Little Big Unit – LittleBigPlanet
No Need For Speed – Need For Speed
Latch It And Skank – Ratchet and Clank
Epic Hickey – Epic Mickey
Sly! – Sly Racoon

On the other side of the theatre was a movie called “Uncharted Love”. This obviously is a parody of Sony’s Uncharted series.

Check out the screenshot below to see for yourself: