Assassin’s Creed Bloodlines Upgrades Revealed

There’s only two more days until the release of Assassin’s Creed Bloodlines for the PSP and we’re here to reveal a bit more information on it. We revealed talked about the accomplishments a few days ago, and now we’re going to reveal the Upgrades that you can purchase through the Coins that you receive during Altair’s quest in solving the mystery in Cyprus.

Don’t forget, Assassin’s Creed Bloodline comes out November 17th. The game will have PSP-PS3 connectivity that allows you to transfer data from Bloodlines to Assassin’s Creed II.


Throwing Knife Maximum
– Altair can carry 4 throwing knives
100 Coins

Automatic Block

Critical Hits
5% chance to critical hit
75 Coins

Upgrade Weapon Attack Damage
– Altair’s weapon do more damage
[Level 1-3]
Starts at 200 Coins

Hide Speed

Synchronization Rate
– Synchronization Rate Increase
200 Coins

Synchronization Strength
– 5 Synchronization Bars
25 Coins

One thought on “Assassin’s Creed Bloodlines Upgrades Revealed

  1. Finished the game already… I was a fan of the first game… But bloodlines disappoints so much… Bland environments, super linear gameplay… It doesn’t have any appeal… 6/10

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