Team Meat is celebrating the 3rd anniversary of the release of their hit title Super Meat Boy by putting their game as the midweek sale on...
The Binding of Isaac, a rogue-like game (for any gamers who still remember what those are) is a creative little romp with religious undertones...
Hello this is Grant Gaines (Associate PR) and I would like to apologize for this article. Sometimes when it comes to the internet, people...
Edmund McMillen has revealed some interesting information via Twitter about upcoming offerings from Team Meat. First, he addressed the...
Recently I reported on how animal rights activists PETA had launched a campaign claiming that the recent Super Mario Land 3D promoted the wearing...
XBOX 360
Super Meat Boy gained a certain amount of notoriety when it released almost a year ago as being hard as hell. It was a flawlessly controlling...
The Binding of Isaac is the second game from one half of Team Meat - notorious for masochistic platformer Super Meat Boy - and fans of Edmund...