Gabrielle Shrager, ZombiU’s lead writer and story designer, revealed during an interview with GameInformer that she wanted to see more melee weapons. I’m sure most players would agree given that the cricket bat given to players at the beginning can get very old, not to mention it isn’t too great at crowd control.
More melee weapons would be one of the first things on our list. Give me a halberd to keep those zombies back! The pickings in the Tower of London’s armory would feel like Christmas!
Although many used the cricket bat consistently in their zombie-slaying ventures, it was “designed to be used almost as a last resort”, according to Shrager.
Players quickly learn that it won’t save their bacon against more than one zombie at a time. Some players depend on it entirely instead of scavenging for ammo and new hear, and these players deserve a richer melee experience.
How would you have felt about a wider melee selection in ZombiU? Would you have preferred an end product similar to a darker-themed Dead Island? Let us know in the comment section below.