Naughty Bear: Panic in Paradise Hidden Games

Naughty Bear: Panic in Paradise’s digital manual houses an interesting secret. On pages 38 and 39, you can find instructions for two social/party Naughty Bear games. Assuming you have friends, “honey-cola” and “honey-shots” readily available, check out both options below!

Naughty Bear Face Melter

  • Play with any number of friends, but at least one or it’s kind of sad.
  • Each player should have a “honey-cola” ready.
  • Each player should have a small glass of super concentrated “honey-shot” ready.
  • Each player will play the same level on their turn.
  • The player stays in the level or leave whenever he/she wants.
  • Each time the player kills a bear, everybody else drinks “honey-cola”.
  • If the player kills the target bear properly, everybody else drinks a “honey-shot”.
  • If the player dies, he/she drinks the “honey-shot”.
  • Killing the Unibear gives you the right to invent a new special rule.
  • If a special rule is broken, the culprit drinks “honey-cola”.
  • When the player dies or exits the level, he passes the controller to the next player.

Naughty Bear Daddle-Do

  • All players pour some of their “honey-cola” into the goblet.
  • The oldest person starts the level.
  • The aim is to kill as many bears as you can.
  • For each bear that is killed, the other player must drink their refreshing “honey cola”.
  • As the death blow is dealt, any player may call out “Daddle-Do…” followed by the name of the bear that has just been killed (before it is displayed!).
  • If they are right, they take control of the game and the current player must drink his “honey cola”.
  • If they are wrong, they must drink the entire Goblet of Naughtiness.
  • If no one cries, then everyone (apart from the player) must enjoy some refreshing “honey cola”.
  • If two people cry out at the same time, the person who shouts the first clear “Daddle-Do-NameofBear” is the winner (the controller decides).
  • As a bonus rule: If anyone sees a bear vomiting, they can shout HAZLENUT! and order any player to have a drink.
  • The game continues until all the players are aware of all the bears in the game.

[Editor’s Note]: Just Push Start does not condone underage drinking. These instructions, if used, should be done so responsibly.