E3 is only a month away and as its date draws closer, excitement and speculation rise. With Valve attending E3 2012, many have begun betting that the popular gaming event will house the announcement for Half-Life 3.
Unfortunately, it doesn’t look that will be the case and, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but that’s not the only Valve-owned franchise that won’t be present. Gabe Newell made the following statement in regards to their E3 plans:
We are not announcing anything at E3. Really. We are not announcing Half-Life 3 or Portal 3 or Left 4 Dead 3. We are going to be showing stuff everyone already knows about (CS:Go, Dota 2, 10′ UI, …)
In 2010, David Jaffe claimed he would not be attending E3 and ended up surprising everyone with the announcement of Twisted Metal. One could only hope that Gabe is lying to our faces with this remark, but I believe this to be nothing more than wishful thinking.