Since the PS Vita release in Japan, owners of the new handheld have been able to save a little money by purchasing the digital version of Vita titles instead of buying a physical copy. Soon-to-be Vita owners in other regions have been curious if they, too, will be able to enjoy a discount.
One observant NeoGAF user noticed multiple entries for PS Vita games on Best Buy. “DIG-PSV-MLB 12 The Show Digital Game” appeared at $35.99, which is four dollars less than the boxed version. Shortly after this discovery, it was confirmed that a digital discount will be available for other regions when the system launches in February. A Sony representative made the following statement regarding the existence of the discount:
“I can confirm that there will be a discount on the downloadable PS Vita titles from PSN. Exact details have not yet been revealed, but be on the lookout for an announcement in the very near future.”
To some this may be great news, but I’m sure others aren’t on board just yet, myself included. First, there’s the fact that to download these titles you must invest in an expensive Vita memory card. A 10% discount off digital versions of these games won’t make up for the cost of that $99 32BG card anytime soon.
The real disappointing factor her is that in November of last year, there were rumors that this discount would be much larger (around 40%). While it may have been wishful thinking, it is still disheartening to see that we won’t be saving too much on this digital titles. At least, not enough to feel comfortable enough to dish out a large bill for a single memory card.
February 1, 2012 at 8:09 AMI agree, I was hoping the digital prices on PSN would be around $30. This is a bit of a shame :/
Sony already saves money, they save the cost of a blu-ray disc, the packadging, etc. $30 Sounds like a fair price…