For those of you who received the latest Toy’s R Us ad in your paper, you may have noticed that they had a sale that said buy any 2 of the six games for $50 (You can see the ad below). With newer games on the list like F.E.A.R 3 and L.A. Noire, it had gamers rushing to the store to pick up on this tremendous deal. A select few were lucky to cash in on the deal…before the store caught on to their mistake.
Apparently the store had made a huge mistake and misprinted the ad. It was actually supposed to read: Buy 2 games and get a $50 gift card. All the sudden the deal is kind of a turn off. People who returned after they caught it were met with fliers everywhere stating the mistake. The best thing for buyers to do now is take the coupon to a store that does price matching and see if they will take the bait and match the deal.
Mike Clark
June 22, 2011 at 8:43 AMThey didn’t misprint anything. The “ad” was also available online. I ordered Sunday morning when it was still live. They changed it after people starting buying multiple copies of everything and basically buying out ToysRUs stores of their games. Check the forums at Cheap Ass Gamers and Slick Deals for some idea of what I mean.