Nintendo have finally released a new firmware update for the DSi and in an effort to combat piracy, the update disables a certain flash carts. Nintendo state the update does “behind-the-scenes improvements to system performance.”
Apparently what that actually means is that the update blocks a few of the flash based homebrew and pirated cartridges that have been used to play illegal games. The list of cartridges that are effected is surprisingly long: Acekard 2i, Supercard DSTwo, M3i Zero, iPlayer and DSTTi. Other homebrew cartridges are unaffected but it seems Nintendo are starting to claim down hard and fast.
September 9, 2010 at 1:31 PMSeems the creator of the supercard ds2 created an update in less than 24 that got the flashcard working on the new dsi firmware…. fast wasnt it.