In the next episode of Pokemon Sunday that is due to air on May 16th, it has been revealed that the three starter for the much awaited Pokemon Black & White will be revealed.
If the news are indeed correct, it’s only a matter of time until CoroCoro magazine gives us a scoop on the first details on the three starter Pokemon we will be using once Pokemon Black & White is out in Japan this year. Check back with us very soon for the details on these three starters.
Pokemon Black & White is scheduled for 2010 release exclusively on the Nintendo DS.
imoru imiti
May 6, 2010 at 11:28 PMWow great news. I made an agreement with some fellow gamers and told them that I was going to pick the grass starter this time. I always alternate between types. The first game I ever played was Yellow version so I was forced to have all three starters, but on the remake I picked the grass type.
All of my ideas are stupid, but I’m going to tell you guys anyways.
STORY/PLOT: They should make both the versions start on different regions and earn 8 differnt badges. Black version in the east and White in the west. After beating the Elete four the games crossover and you experiance what the other game experianced. Two-five years pass after beating the Elete four “for the second time”. You wake up and find your self at home. You recive a phone call inviting you to travel upon the legendary St. Ann across the world. Later you reach many regions including older ones. Eventually you reach Kanto and ironiclly it’s the same Kanto from the original game, thus playing to the whole BLACK & WHITE concept perfectlly. This is how far I got with the idea.
GAME/MECHANICS: Multiple save slots at lease two. Multiple seal select buttons. HM learing slot or a move relearner. Laptop computer for you to withdraw and deposit on the go.
STARTERS: More interseting type mix such as; grass/ghost fire/dragon or water/bug.
POKEMON: More new and decent fire types please. higher level wild pokemon near gyms.beter trainers, rival gym leader and character A.I.
Okey I think I said too much and I know that most these ideas are not even decent well heres to wishful thinking.
May 7, 2010 at 11:22 AMyou know they’ve already made the games right…