One Father Doesn’t Like Princess Peach Getting Kidnapped In Super Mario Run


Princess Peach getting kidnapped in Mario games has happened since the dawn of time. However, one concerned father has had enough of the character being the damsel in distress.

Kotaku spoke with Chris Suellentrop who wrote an opinion piece on the matter with the New York Times. Suellentrop has a daughter and he feels this is a step backward in terms of female representation in popular media. He was upset when he first played Super Mario Run.

Mr Suellentrop wanted to play Super Mario Run with his daughter, although now he doesn’t want to. He said he grew up playing Nintendo video games, although now hes upset about them. He says his daughter might feel alienated and insulted playing this game.

It’s not the fact that Princess Peach gets kidnapped, but other things offended him too. There’s a moment during the Toad Rally that Peach waves a flag “like a girl at a 1950s drag race” he said in those words.

He says he doesn’t want to “feed this sh*t” with his kids and empathizes with females who find it hard to break the stereotype. Not to mention he understands how difficult it is for some females to get top jobs in the entertainment industry such as a director and more.

Do you feel it’s about time Nintendo changed the image of Princess Peach in the Mario video games. Should she be more than just a damsel in distress?

2 thoughts on “One Father Doesn’t Like Princess Peach Getting Kidnapped In Super Mario Run

  1. This guy needs to stop being a bitch. It’s a game. He needs to get over it and move on with his life.

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