Mega Man appears in Dead Rising 3

Mega Man - Dead Rising 3

Gamers who will be getting Dead Rising 3 late next week for the Xbox One will be pleased to know that Mega Man will be in the game.

Well, not exactly Mega Man but more of a costume. According to Capcom Unity, the game will reward the hardest of hardcore players with a rad, rad, oh-so-very-rad costume and weapon inspired by Mega Man X. When it comes as to how to get the costume, simply beat the game once. Simple enough? Yea but when it comes to getting the Mega Buster, that will take some time since you’ll have to clear the game on Nightmare mode, which boost the difficulty and reinstates Dead Rising 3’s trademark time limit.

Check back with us next week for our coverage of Dead Rising 3! For now, check out the one screenshot they released today.