Tales of Xillia Guide – Heliosborg Fortress (Sub-Events)

The Origins of Spyrite

Tales of Xillia - Heliosborg Fortress - Spyrite

When to do it: After being able to travel between Elympios and Rieze Maxia
Reward for Completion: None
How to Trigger: Enter inside the fortress to trigger a cutscene (refer to the screenshot above).
Objective: Watch the cutscene

The Devil Beast Attacks

Tales of Xillia - Devil Beast - Heliosborg Fortress

When to do it: After being able to travel between Elympios and Rieze Maxia
Reward for Completion: Melandetta, the Deathbringer (weapon)
How to Trigger: Go to the place where you fought Volt. You will find the beast lurking on the thirteenth floor. (refer to the screenshot above).
Objective: Defeat the boss