PayDay 2 Already Has a “Year of DLC Planned”

PayDay 2

PayDay 2 launched across multiple platforms yesterday to positive reception, our very own review gushing with praise. Overkill has gone on record stating that there’s more quality content on the way for the sequel. In fact, the team already has a “year of DLC planned” for PayDay 2. Although they’re not ready to talk about specifics in regards to add-on content, they were more than willing to share that “a female character” is in the works.

We may not see a woman pulling down one of the iconic masks and lighting up SWAT units any time soon for the following reason:

I don’t know if we’ll get it as our first DLC, because we’d have to redo all the animations so it doesn’t look like a dude walking around with a female body. It’s definitely on our list. One of the many things that are on our list.

Given that the game just released, this is all a ways off, but it’s nice to get a glimpse of things to come. Still, we can’t wait to find out what that DLC list contains. The second they’re ready to talk, we here at JPS will update you with everything you need to know. So check back regularly!