God of War: Ascension Cannot Be Sold In Queensland Australia

god of war: ascension not available in queensland

God of War: Ascension has been rated R18+ in Australia. Although the R18+ bill came into the effect for most of the states in the country, the bill has yet to pass in Queensland.

This means God of War: Ascension cannot be sold in stores in Queensland until the bill passes in that state.

Kotaku Australia posted an email that retail stores received in Australia:

“As Queensland has not passed legislation for the R18 rating for games we must remove all reference to God of War Ascension immediately. This includes all game slicks, posters, pamphlets, hand written signage, 2-way units and pre order signage.

At this time God of War: Ascension cannot be sold in Queensland, this includes pre orders.”

Discussions on the R18+ rating is set to resume at the Queensland parliament later this month.