Randy Pitchford Reveals Claptrap DLC In The Works

Randy Pitchford sent out a tweet today hinting that Gearbox has some delicious DLC up their sleeve that will revolve around everyone’s favorite talking yellow robot. He states that he has some Claptrap related EPISODES coming soon, meaning they could possibly be DLC pieces that are unrelated to the ones acquired from having the season pass. Here is the tweet:

I for one look forward to seeing if Claptrap can get some form of revenge against Hyperion for ending his product line and foiling his plans with large sets of stairs. I would also like to hear him scream the word “sphincters” again out of pure fear. Be sure to stay tuned to JPS as more information becomes available.

One thought on “Randy Pitchford Reveals Claptrap DLC In The Works

  1. Um…Claptrap Episodes refers to their webseries. They’re premiering season two soon. Way way off on this one, and you probably wont be bothered to correct it.

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