Max Payne 3 Already Has What Appears To Be Modded Lobbies

Even though Max Payne hasn’t been out for a whole week yet, there still seems to be some major problems with the multiplayer. Among many other smaller problems, just recently has it been found that there are what seems to be modded lobbies. These could possibly just be glitched, or there could have been a vulnerability found in Rockstar’s latest game.

These lobbies involve incredibly high match time limits, going well over seven hundred minutes. This isn’t just a small little glitch where the game breaks and the timer goes over the top and and still ends after the usual ten minutes, but rather, it does actually play out for specified time. Hopefully Max Payne 3 doesn’t turn out like the Modern Warfare games with all of their available hacks, glitches, and exploits. Also, forgive me for the photo quality, as it was taken with the camera on my phone, which isn’t amazing when it comes to TV shots.


2 thoughts on “Max Payne 3 Already Has What Appears To Be Modded Lobbies

  1. This must be a fairly recent development. I haven’t played in a couple days, but I experienced things like infinite loading screen and the occasional “gun not firing” instance. If this wasn’t encountered by anyone prior to the last day or two, sounds like hackers as opposed to a glitch.

  2. It’s a bug. It happens when the round simply doesn’t end. You just keep playing. It never ends.

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