Asura’s Wrath Has Error On Back Cover + Bonus Alternative Cover

See that up there? “Chanllenges”

Capcom hasn’t gotten rid of their spell checker software yet because it’s let them down for the second time in a very short frame.

With Resident Evil taking the first blow from Evil Spell Checker 2000 ™, the back of the Asura’s Wrath box has the above typo. “Chanllenges”. Say it. It’s fun, seriously, try it.

If you’re filled with righteous fury at the prospect of an imperfect box art (and if you are, then I assume you never bought the first Mega Man), then your humble writer has been gracious enough to prepare an alternative Xbox 360 cover from scratch! Just print it out, cut it out, try again because you cut wrong the first time, slip it in the cover and there! New cover for Asura’s Wrath.

See? That wasn’t that chanllenging!

Here’s the link to the full image for the box art

And here’s a preview! A gift from Just Push Start to you.