Official Arkham City iOS app helps collectible hunters

If anything less than a round 100% on your Arkham City profile is bothering you then this official iOS app might be able to help you.

Released today the official app developed by Dorling Kindersley is £1.99.

The app shows you the location of all Ridller trophies as well as the solutions to each of his dastardly environmental puzzles. That’s 350 collectibles in total. The app even let’s you track through each of the games areas, checking off each item and riddle as you go along.

Perhaps this might sound redundant in the age of the easy-to-browse internet, but the convenience of the app isn’t to be denied. Whether you’d rather puzzle out the game to its entirety on your own or enlist some help, I’m sure you’ll be able to hit the coveted 100% point in no time.