Anonymous Says The Attacks On Sony “Will Continue”

Sony seems to have a major problem on their hands, as “Anonymous” has launched it’s first attacks.

Anonymous managed to bring down many Sony websites, including While all the websites are now live once again, apparently the attacks will continue. Anonymous released this video on the subject.

Do you think what Anonymous is doing is right or is it detrimental gamers? Comment your opinion below.

2 thoughts on “Anonymous Says The Attacks On Sony “Will Continue”

  1. My PS3 belongs to me, not Sony. Sony cannot tell me what I can or cannot do with it. I am willing to give up my PSN access for as long as it takes, keep doing whatever you are doing Anonymous.

  2. that is the truth butt y would you like to mode your system if every one would stop playing the system like i stoped playing xbox becase every one modes and alot of people asked sony to take off links so people cant cheat i dont like moders and never will they have no skill in the game so they need to mode to win if you neede to mode dont play the game ok

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