Heavy Rain Hands-On Impression

Since it was announced two years ago, Heavy Rain is a title that gamers are wondering exactly how it will work and how it will play. We’re almost a month away from its release; tension and excitement are some of the things gamers are experiencing right now as to how this game will play out. This week, I finally had a chance to play the much awaited PlayStation 3 exclusive, Heavy Rain, and yes, I am almost near the end.

Since the embargo for review won’t be lifted up until February 10th at 9:00AM Pacific Standard Time, I will try to keep it brief and inform you of the things you should be expecting. Heavy Rain is one of those games I would consider as an interactive drama where you control all the characters’ fates. There are many possibilities for the four characters, and many things can happen to them. It’s all up to the decisions you make and you’ll see how the story unfolds.

In my first few hours of play I’d notice the way the game works is via a series of interactive time events. You control the character using the right analog stick and basically, you just do what you have to do. Think of this game as if it were an interactive version of the TV series 24. Most of the time, everything is real time. Miss your chance and that’s it.

There are four characters that you will be controlling and each of them will cross paths with one another. I found this game to be very intriguing since the first hour of my play through. Tension and thrill will be built and I can’t wait to find out more. The story revolves around the Origami Killer, there are twists to be expected in this style of game. So far, the game is what I expected it to be. Drama, Action, Sex, and all of the elements that can make a good movie.

Played Indigo Prophecy? If so, you will be familiarized as to what this game is like. In my opinion so far, Heavy Rain is ten times better than Indigo Prophecy no doubt. More interesting characters, very stunning ending, and yea… expect the unexpected right?

The visuals of this game is top-notch. Everything you see looks real from the environments to the characters they are all wonderfully rendered. I am very impressed to what this game has to offer especially when it comes to the graphics. From the tears to the rain, all of these things are detailed and you’ll instantly be in awe!

Check back on February 10th for our full review. Sorry, but this is all I can say right now as I’m limited as to what I can reveal.

One thought on “Heavy Rain Hands-On Impression

  1. February 10th., can’t come soon enough. The game sounds awesome. I didn’t realize that all of the game takes place in real-time. That should really get the adrenaline pumping – should you or shouldn’t you take an action. Great to see games starting to mirror reality.

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