PS4 June 18th, 2018
As much as I loved Moss, I never understood why it was a VR game. It was basically your standard action adventure game with some cumbersome, at least...
PS3 July 16th, 2013
Previously promised by Konami back in early May, a new patch for all PlayStation 3 versions of Zone of the Enders HD Collection has finally hit...
PS3 November 5th, 2012
Ever since Sony released the first HD collection for God of War, gamers have been begging for their favorite series to come back in glorious HD....
XBOX 360 November 5th, 2012
After years of requesting Zone of the Enders is finally getting the HD treatment. With the first two games in glorious HD, were they worth the...
PS3 November 3rd, 2012
While several fans were excited to play Zone of the Enders HD, many others were excited to try out the Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance demo....
3DS October 28th, 2012
Last week many gamers were disappointed with Bestbuys buy 2 get 1 free promotion. It wasn't that it was bad, just that so many great games were...
PS3 October 22nd, 2012
In a rather late and random update, Gamestop has decided to give away a poster with preorder of Zone of the Enders HD. The poster will feature a...
PS3 June 1st, 2012
Been itching to try Metal Gear Rising, but haven't been able to find a way to? Well look no more as there will soon be a way to do so. Eventually...
PS3 February 29th, 2012
Following the release of Metal Gear Solid: HD Collection on the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360, another HD collection will be heading to consoles....
PS3 September 16th, 2011
It appears that the third entry into the Zone of the Enders series is in development but not by Hideo Kojima.