Earlier this week, Spelunker HD finally got the first 8 EX areas in the US. However the next day Japan got the next one, EX 9, which is quite...
Fans of the Playstation Blog tonight were in for a quick surprise if they were listening to this week's Playstation Blogcast. While Jeff...
After the brutal EX 6, Tozai Games has finally announced EX 7. Similar to past EX area's, it will cost 200 yen and will release on June 27th....
Earlier this week Tozai Games finally released the latest Spelunker HD DLC. Several gamers were dreading EX 6, as area 6 featured hidden danger,...
As previously reported, Spelunker HD's EX 6 downloadable content was released this week, and following such, Tozai games has released a new patch...
After having some nightmares about EX 3, Tozai games finally released EX 4. Unlike EX 3, EX 4 is based off area 4, which is regarded as the...
If you missed it, Spelunker HD EX 3 was released last week. With EX 3, we finally have the Golem stage in a far more difficult mode. However, EX...
After a long wait, Tozai games has finally released the latest DLC area for Minna de Spelunker. This area or EX 3, covers the golem area in the...
If you happened to miss it, Tozai games obtained the rights to Spelunker from Irem. This led to an upgraded version being released with a new...
Tozai games isn't taking a break when it comes to getting Spelunker going again. After obtaining the rights from Irem and Sony pulling Minna de...
The last week has been huge for Spelunker fans. If you missed it, Irem sold the rights to Tozai Games which published the game outside of Japan....