Scratch that last comment about Zero being three out of the four skins, as Gearbox has decided to include Gaige the Mechromancer, making the...
Earlier this week Gearbox finally released the Mechromancer class for those that preordered Borderlands 2 or felt she was worth the extra fee....
I don't know about anyone else, but I've always been interested in the Mechromancer class. Not because I liked her concept or design, but for the...
As many Borderlands 2 fans out there will be familiar, the Mechromancer is a new class that players will be able to play as in Borderlands 2, and...
We've discovered the Mechromancer's name (Gaige), followed her on Twitter, listened to her personal Echo Recorder and now we can navigate her...
Yesterday, we saw the first in-game screenshot of the Mechromancer and her trusty sidekick, Deathtrap, which you can see above. Today, Gaige has...
We've seen a bunch of art surrounding the upcoming Borderlands 2 DLC character class, the Mechromancer. However, an in-game hadn't been provided....
Recently Gearbox revealed that the Mechromancer class would be coming to Borderlands 2 on October 16th, for $9.99 (of free with pre-order), and...
While those looking forward to Borderlands 2 in two weeks surely know about the pre-order bonus DLC, the Mechromancer, but up until now, release...
Gearbox made some big reveals at PAX this past weekend about a new character class and improved customization options in the game. The biggest...