Kingdom Come: Deliverance Tournament Mode Stretch Goal Reached

Kingdom Come

Warhorse Studios’ Kingdom Come: Deliverance has just demolished the sixth stretch goal with a little help from Star Citizen’s Chris Roberts!

The smashed £900,000 stretch goal means that the team will be able to develop a tournament mode. The mode itself will allow gamers to use the combat system to defeat enemies in medieval tournaments. Honing their skills is also an available option as a result of the new mode. It should allow gamers to get even more hours out of the game with a combination of mods and the tournaments plenty of fun will surely occur.

Chris Roberts the man behind Star Citizen, the recent crowd funding success, and the Wing Commander series has aided the Warhorse team by promoting the game. Many fans of the space title have since backed the medieval Kickstarter campaign.

Below is an update video showing off how NPCs work and have been developed.