Amazon User Selling Gamefaq Guides As Kindle Ebooks

For as long as I can remember, Gamefaqs has been a reliable source for quality guides. Many users put hours of effort into these items with the simple goal of helping another person. However Wallsberg Stradegy, Jay Stafford, and Wallsberg Books have taken a bit more. It would seem that they took various guides from Gamefaqs and started selling them for Kindle. Sadly this isn’t even the worst part.

In addition to taking various guides; none of them were even updated. This means they’re littered with formatting that looks bad on an E-Reader, references to the source creators and elements that arn’t even accurate. You can find my favorite example below. Here you can see the guide telling you to use windows functions. While they will work on an android device, they won’t work in the kindle app (tested).

You can also see how it completely mirrors the original source material.

While this is sad, perhaps the fact they’re selling is a bit worse. Thankfully some users of the site have caught on and are fighting to get these taken down. While it’s hard to say what good will come of that, it’s extremely disapointing to see someone trying to profit off others work.

[Source: Gamefaqs, Amazon, ]