Battlefield 3 & Modern Warfare 3 Word Cloud Comparison

While it’s difficult to know what to interpret here, a collection of reviews and complaints and raves about Modern Warfare 3 and Battlefield 3 have been sorted into vaguely familiar looking word clouds.

These are collections of words most frequently used when describing each game, the word used is much bigger the more it’s used, which can open up interesting debate.

Personally, I think Campaign appears so much in the BF3 cloud because of the numerous comparisons between the critically acclaimed multiplayer campaign and the oft-forgotten single player campaign.

And the possible reason for ‘review’ being so big in the MW3 cloud was because of how curious people were to see how it compared to its direct competitor.

Do you guys think anything else can be interpreted here?

One thought on “Battlefield 3 & Modern Warfare 3 Word Cloud Comparison

  1. There should be a huge MW2 in the MW3 one. Ahh they have MW and knocked off the 2 and even BF3 has the 3 knocked off, why? Even the first Modern Warfare is abbreviated as CoD4 not MW.

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