PlayStation UK interviewed Team Ninja’s Yosuke Hayashi about Ninja Gaiden 3. It appears as if Ninja Gaiden 3 will still be a hard game.
The Ninja Gaiden games have been praised by critics of its smooth and slick hack-n-slash style of gameplay. The only thing that stopped the franchise from being very popular was its hard difficulty. Even playing the games on the “normal” difficulty proved to be quite a challenge for even veteran gamers.
It looks like Ninja Gaiden 3 will remain as hard as its predecessors. When asked if Ninja Gaiden 3 will still be a difficult game or not, Yosuke Hayashi responded: “We didn’t want to disappoint all the Ninja Gaiden fans, so the game is still kind of difficult”
Ninja Gaiden fans will be happy to know that Ninja Gaiden 3 will still be as hard as ever. As for everyone else, be prepared to face the very hard challenge of even finishing the game…
Ninja Gaiden 3 is scheduled for release sometime in 2012 for both the PS3 and Xbox 360.