Blizzard Doesn’t Approve Of PS4/Xbox One Overwatch Players Using A Keyboard And Mouse

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Using a keyboard and mouse to play FPS games gives you a huge advantage. Blizzard however has warned PS4 and Xbox One Overwatch players for doing so as it’s unfair to most controller-based gamers.

Overwatch’s director, Jeff Kaplan, issued a statement on the matter via the Blizzard forums. It says that the development team currently “objects to the use of mouse and keyboard on console“. They have contacted both Sony and Microsoft on the matter.

They want two things to happen as a result of this: “Disallow mouse and keyboard and input conversion devices OR Openly and easily support mouse and keyboard for ALL players“.

They hope players make Sony and Microsoft aware of this. It’s unfair if only some players have access to a keyboard and mouse as controllers are not as accurate, Instead of banning the use of keyboard and mouse support, the latter might happen in the future allowing everyone to use them. We’ll just have to wait and see how all of this pans out.