Geoff Keighley Warns Of Many Fake E3 Rumors Out There

Geoff Keighley

Over the years, Geoff Keighley has become one of the most prominent names in the gaming industry, especially due to his coverage of E3 over the years. With E3 fast approaching and his likely knowledge of many gaming industry secrets, Keighley has put out a warning for those following many of the E3 rumors through his Twitter.

Fair warning: A record number of fake E3 game reveals and rumors are floating out there.

This is pretty obvious with the rumors that swirl prior to E3, but some of the existing rumors out there must be very fake for Keighley to come out and say this. The leaked sheet of games for all three gaming systems might be the big catalyst for this tweet. We will just have to wait and see next month for sure on what games end up being announced at E3.