Dark Souls 2 Guide- ‘Gathering of Exiles’ Trophy/Achievement

Dark Souls 2

As you venture through Drangleic in Dark Souls 2, you will be meeting a bunch of NPCs that can join you in Majula. With so many of them that you can recruit to your homebase, some are vital to recruit to those wanting to get all of the trophies or achievements.

One of the trophies or achievements that you can get in Dark Souls 2 is called ‘Gathering of Exiles’ and it will involve you recruiting six specific NPCs to join you. Below is the list of NPCs that you need to recruit, where and when to talk to them:

Gathering of Exiles

– Carrtographer Cale
Location: Forest of Fallen Giants
Requirements: Beat the Last Giant Boss and talk to him. Go through all of his dialogue and he will join you.

– Merchant Hag Melentia
Location: Forest of Fallen Giants
Requirements: Talk to her and go through all of her dialogue.

– Carhillion of the Fold
Location: No-Man’s Wharf
Requirements: Go through all of his dialogue and defeat the Flexile Sentry Boss.

– Stone Trader Chloanne
Location: Harvest Valley
Requirements: Go through all of her dialogue

– Laddersmith Gilligan
Location: Earthen Peak
Requirements: Pay for ladder and go through all of his dialogue.

– Rosabeth of Melfia
Location: Shaded Woods
Requirements: Un-petrify her and give an equipment.

One thought on “Dark Souls 2 Guide- ‘Gathering of Exiles’ Trophy/Achievement

  1. I just got this after talking to vengarl i think thats his name, the headless guy in shaded woods. The only this is on your list it says i need to have talked to the ladder guy and buy all his ladders but i never did nor did i even talk to him and still he ended up in Majula yesterday after the boss in valley.

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