Kingdom Come: Deliverance Monday AmA Confirmed


A great selection of concept art and screenshots has been released by Warhorse Studios alongside the announcement of a Kingdom Come: Deliverance AmA.

An AmA is a opportunity for gamers to question an individual or company, in this case Warhorse Studios, on Reddit. Standing for ‘Ask me Anything’ gamers can ask pretty much whatever they want and normally a decent chunk of reasonable questions are answered. The AmA will take play on the r/games subreddit on Monday 17th “at 19 hours GTM“ .

As well as the good news on the information front some eye catching concepts and images have been released showing off locations and characters. These can be seen below.

The Kickstarter campaign for Kingdom Come: Deliverance has approximately a week left so to back the project head over to the Kickstarter page now.