What Tomb Raider Might Look Like In First Person


An animator has uploaded a cool video looking at what a Tomb Raider game might look like in first person.

The video looks cool and reminds me a bit of Mirror’s Edge. Lara Croft can be seen climbing stiff mountain tops, as well as shooting bad guys with her guns.

I think the first-person genre is overdone, but Tomb Raider might put something different to the table. I doubt we’d ever see a first person Tomb Raider game, but it would look very nice.

Check out the video in question below:

One thought on “What Tomb Raider Might Look Like In First Person

  1. This was fun to watch,but tomb raider in FB wouldn’t feel right. It’s 3rd person history has just grown to work well especially with so much diverse landscape to tackle..it would be extremely difficult to get used to in FP. Games that have a 3rd or FP history should just stick with that perspective,Metroid is a good example. I enjoyed the Other M perspective more than the FP primes..it was just meant to be a 3rd person game,good vid though.

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