Darksiders 2 Receives Substantial Discount Online

Darksiders 2 has been out for over two months now and one online retailer has decided to give the critically-acclaimed title a hefty discount. If you’ve been on the fence about picking up this expertly crafted sequel, now is definitely the time to do so.

Amazon has shaved off quite a bit of the original retail price for Darksiders 2 on all platforms. The prices are as follows:

PC – $29.99
PlayStation 3 – $39.99
Xbox 360 – $39.99

Given that so many titles are releasing this winter at the full $59.99 price point, Darksiders 2 is looking good going into the holiday season. This is especially true if you want to save a few bucks for Christmas shopping while still being able to get yourself something new to play without breaking the bank.