Nintendo 3DS 4.0.0-7U Firmware Now Available

Following of Nintendo’s announcement of the firmware that adds folder management onto the Nintendo 3DS, the firmware that adds those feature is now live and can now be downloaded on the Nintendo 3DS.

The new 4.0.0-7U firmware adds a decent amount of new things onto your handheld device such as folder management, a new look on the Nintendo 3DS shop and new puzzle pieces for the Puzzle Swap mini-game. Out of the new features that are added into the new firmware, the most useful ones is the folder management as you can now create a folder and organize your home screen.

You can now download the new firmware via the System Settings option.

One thought on “Nintendo 3DS 4.0.0-7U Firmware Now Available

  1. I had this since yesterday (before anyone had the notification during the EShop maintenance). I suspected something was wrong with my Streetpass and updated. What a pleasant surprise, and yesterday I didn’t even know what this did! :)

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