As you may know by now, Epic Mickey 2: The Power of Two was announced earlier this week. The sequel is going to be mutliplatform, with Xbox 360 and PS3 being the new recipients of the Disney title (Wii had the first entry as an exclusive).
This means there will be those who pick it up on Sony or Microsoft’s system that never played the first one. Warren Spector of Junction Point has stated that he’d like those new gamers to see the story’s origin.
I will tell you I desperately want to do it, and other than that I have no comment at this time. I just think it would be cool for people to see where the story started, so we’ll see. We sold many millions of copies of [Epic Mickey] on just the Wii, and being on the Wii was great. It was a perfect way to reintroduce Mickey as a hero in video games.
Whether or not Warren’s wishes will come true remains to be seen. Even if an HD port is never made, I’m sure newcomers to Mickey’s adventure will still be able to find it enjoyable.