Gears of War Cardboard Character Pays for Bus Ride

Did you know that in England, travelling with a cardboard character requires you to pay two bus fares? Well neither did Liam Sheridan, a student in Milton Keynes, Enlgand; so it was quite shocking when Sheridan, 17, was charged a full adult fare (£1.80) on top of his monthly pass. The bus driver in question insisted that the life-size cardboard display of Marcus Fenix “takes up a seat, so it’s full price.”

“It was truly bizarre, I couldn’t quite believe it,” Liam told the Milton Keynes Citizen. “I tried to protest but the driver wasn’t going to let me on otherwise, so I had to pay him.”

The Citizen made attempts to follow up with the transit authority, but had no luck since they refused to comment until its investigation was finished.