Perfect Dark (XBLA) Title Update Inbound

For fans experiencing issues with Perfect Dark on the Xbox Live Arcade, it will be fixed most likely starting tomorrow as a Title Update is coming.

Perfect Dark on the Xbox Live Arcade will be receiving a title update tomorrow that will add new tweaks in the game and fix the issues that the gamers are facing. There is no time as to when the update will go live but it is sure going out tomorrow. Make sure you’re connected on the Xbox Live to download it.

Here are the full details of what will be in the title update:

* Legacy controls
* Southpaw (left-handed) controls
* Swap Triggers control option
* Lock Sight control option
* Precision Aim sensitivity tuning
* Hardcore (No Radar, No Auto-Aim, No Highlights, Combat only) matchmaking playlist
* Gamma (brightness) option
* Secondary Fire Reset option in Combat Simulator
* Quick Menu select using either Left or Right stick
* Player Handicap reinstated in local multiplayer
* Client player progress recorded in Live Co-Op game
* Progress recorded for all primary players (main player on each console) in Live Challenges
* Counter-Op progress recorded for both players if Jo player successfully completes the level
* Achievement fixes including ‘Tools of the Trade’ (anyone who’s earned but not received it will now do so), ‘Who Needs Enemies’ (awarded to Counter-Op player after a full mission’s progress), ‘How’s
* That For Starters?’ (awarded to Counter-Op player if Jo player completes first level)
* Increased duration of explosions to better match the N64 experience
* Laptop Gun sentry mode performance adjusted to match the N64 experience