XBOX 360
With its roots in isometric real-time tactics, Syndicate seems to have conformed to modern video game mechanics by being the first game in the...
The full trophy list has been revealed for Syndicate and it seems like it will be an easy platinum for those who are into trophy collecting. I...
EA's Executive producer Jeff Gamon has recently revealed that their upcoming title Syndicate should be treated like "a brand new...
The newest Syndicate trailer is set up like an infomercial teaching viewers about the DART 6 hacking chip. The trailer shows you all of the cool...
If you're a follower of Syndicate on Twitter, then you may have noticed that a recent tweet has revealed a release date for the demo. Yash...
EA has just announced that the end of January will contain a 4-player cooperative demo for Syndicate that we may all enjoy. The cooperative...
Bad news for Australia, good news for artistic integrity. Syndicate will simply not be seeing a release in Australia. To quote Ben Croshaw,...
At the Game Developers Conference this year EA is unveiling Starbreeze Studios new title behind closed doors.