Amazon Game Studios is pleased to announce today their collaboration with Leyou Technologies Holdings Limited and Middle-Earth Enterprises to...
October 7th has been a bit of a hole many releases have fallen into. Alien Isolation, Driveclub, both NBA titles, and previously Shadow of...
Warner Bros. has just announced the release date for Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor, an RPG that falls between the events of The Hobbit and the...
It seems that some copies of LEGO Lord of The Rings on the Xbox 360 are shipping with a demo disc rather than the full retail copy. A Gamestop...
Guardians of Middle-earth already received its PSN release announcement and plans on hitting the PlayStation 3 digitally on December 4th. Now,...
Traveller's Tales has released the boxart for their upcoming title LEGO Lord of the Rings. The newest game in the LEGO series will cover the...
Lord of the Rings games have been noticeably absent from the gaming industry for some time now. What's that? Aragorn's Quest you say? Never heard...