News Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain Release Date Confirmed March 3rd, 2015 1 After nearly three years since its surprise unveiling as The Phantom Pain, Metal Gear Solid V has finally received a release date. Leaked IGN...
News Devil May Cry Gets Definitive On Next Gen December 15th, 2014 0While not officially announced by Capcom by any means, a new trailer has arisen for an upcoming remastering of Ninja Theory's take on the Devil May...
News Borderlands Remastered Edition Rated By Aussie Gov’t December 13th, 2014 0 A ratings classification was filed in Australia earlier this week for a Borderlands Remastered Collection. The rating was filed earlier this...
3DS Possible Super Smash Bros (WiiU): Stage Creator And Board Game Modes Leaked October 17th, 2014 0 In the product listing for Super Smash Bros for WiiU, Amazon has revealed two possible new additions that were not present in the 3DS...
Wii U Super Smash Bros For Wii U Release Date Possibly Leaked July 21st, 2014 0 While not officially unveiled by Nintendo or other retailers, Toys R Us has unveiled a preorder program for Super Smash Bros for Wii U that also...
News Rumor: Logo Leak For The Next Batman February 28th, 2014 0 Something is cooking over at Rocksteady and many believe it is the continuation in the Batman franchise that has made the studio so popular. Now...
News Sonic 4: Episode 2 Released Prematurely on Steam April 21st, 2012 0 Earlier today an unfinished version of Sonic 4: Episode 2 made its way onto Steam. It wasn't up for very long, but that didn't prevent a handful...
PC USK Outs Alan Wake American Nightmare December 8th, 2011 0 Once again, a ratings board has jumped the gun and revealed a game days before the official announcement. The USK, a company responsible for...
News Rockstar Comments on GTA V Leaks November 14th, 2011 1 With all the rumors and leaks that have been going around the web lately regarding Grand Theft Auto 5, Rockstar decided to step up and address...
News Bioware’s Reaction to Mass Effect 3 Leaks November 8th, 2011 0 In case you were not aware, this year has seen more than its fair share of early leaks, broken embargos, hacks, and just plain out treachery. The...
News RUMOR: Could These Details on Upcoming GTA V be the Real Deal? November 6th, 2011 0 Ok, now to be honest with all of you, I was not entirely convinced that I should put this news out there, but here is the thing: there are so...
News Mass Effect 3 Beta Releases Details Early Due to “Human Error” November 5th, 2011 2 You may or may not be aware of the fact that recently, certain members of Xbox Live were able to experience the new Xbox 360 dashboard preview...
News Minecraft Beta 1.9 May Be ‘Leaked’ September 21st, 2011 4 Markus Persson, the man behind Minecraft, commonly known as Notch, has today revealed that Mojang was so pleased with the success of the...
PC Crysis 2 PC Developer Build Leaked February 12th, 2011 0EA and Crytek were alerted this week when Crysis 2 on the PC was leaked on various torrent sites. The game, which is merely a beta developer build,...
News Sony’s NGP price leaked by Gamestop February 9th, 2011 0Someone at Gamestop has leaked the price of Sony's upcoming console, the NGP (PSP2) onto Gamestops Facebook page.
PS3 Rumor: Possible PS2 and Dreamcast Downloads on PSN September 22nd, 2009 0French website Objectif-Sega recently uploaded some alleged notes from a meeting that was said to have taken place on August 5th between Sega and...