3DS E.X. Troopers DLC Mission 3 Lets you Kill Big Online December 15th, 2012 0 Despite Lost Planet being synonymous with mechs (Vital Suits or VS) and giant enemies, E.X. Troopers excluded both from the multiplayer...
3DS E.X. Troopers gets 2 Free DLC Missions December 8th, 2012 1 Regardless of E.X. Troopers poor sales in Japan, Capcom has released 2 additional missions for absolutely nothing. The first mission was released...
PS3 E.X. Troopers Trophy Guide December 6th, 2012 0 With E.X. Troopers finally out in Japan, several people are worried the trophy list will be a grim reminder of Lost Planet 2. Thankfully that...
PS3 E.X. Troopers – Hands On Gameplay December 2nd, 2012 0 With E.X. Troopers finally out in Japan, we captured some footage to show you what it's all about. The video below is of the final VR mission,...
3DS Capcom Releases an Action Packed E.X. Troopers Launch Trailer November 25th, 2012 0 With E.X. Troopers finally out in Japan, Capcom has released a rather action packed launch trailer. The video starts with a small idea of what it's...
3DS E.X. Troopers Gets New Gameplay Trailers October 31st, 2012 0 With E.X. Troopers set to release late next month, 4gamer has released some new gameplay trailers. Contary to the earlier videos, these ones are...
PS3 Spelunker HD – EX 9 First Ten Minutes August 30th, 2012 0 Earlier this week, Spelunker HD finally got the first 8 EX areas in the US. However the next day Japan got the next one, EX 9, which is quite...
PS3 Interesting Spelunker HD DLC News for North Americans August 24th, 2012 0 Fans of the Playstation Blog tonight were in for a quick surprise if they were listening to this week's Playstation Blogcast. While Jeff...
PS3 Spelunker HD EX 8 DLC Coming Next Week July 19th, 2012 0 If you've been slowly inching towards your 100% completion in the Japanese version of Spelunker HD, next week will put you a tad further than you...