Reviews May 11th, 2021
Technology is an interesting business, one with incredible ranges in regards to price and features. While a lot of people will stick with a major...
Reviews April 28th, 2021
Right now the biggest craze is true wireless headphones. Apple proved its worth by offering good sound at an affordable price in an extremely...
Tech April 8th, 2021
Completing your ideal gaming setup can be extremely difficult. At first, it seems like the hardest part is figuring out what you need and ultimately...
Reviews March 9th, 2021
For years people have been mesmerized by the idea of wireless charging. My brother frequently bought cases for that function, there was a brief...
Reviews March 9th, 2021
One thing I commonly said at my sales job was how tricky entry-level products are. The attractively priced items come at a different cost that is...
Reviews February 23rd, 2021
Home entertainment isn’t as simple as it used to be. Back in the day, the average person might connect a TV, set-top box, game system, and/or...
Reviews January 15th, 2021
Over the past decade or so, there has been a massive increase in gamer branded items. The core idea behind said products is rather simple. Usually,...
Reviews January 1st, 2021
As portable devices become more essential to our daily lives, there is an increased need for power. So many devices boast larger batteries, quick...
Reviews December 15th, 2020
For many, PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series is one step closer to PC gaming. Not in the sense of power or customization, but in regards to benefits and...
Reviews November 10th, 2020
RGB might be the current big thing in gaming, there is no denying the universal appeal. When I got my first gaming keyboard my mom flipped over the...
Reviews November 9th, 2020
When it comes to certain products, they’re far more complicated than they really should be. One such product is an RGB mousepad. Designs aside,...
Reviews October 19th, 2020
With the new consoles release fast approaching, there are a number of key accessories players will want to consider. Among the less considered but...
Reviews August 17th, 2020
Most products seem to have a never-ending series of higher end versions that do this or that better. Computers have better specs, keyboards have...
Reviews July 7th, 2020
Sometime back I was having a discussion with someone on Reddit about the costs associated with PC gaming. In my head I viewed accessories as a...
Reviews July 6th, 2020
Sometime back I was having a discussion with someone on reddit about the costs associated with PC gaming. In my head I viewed accessories as a...