Remember Me Review

Remember Me 03

Enemies are Bland
While the combat system is the improved version of the Arkham series, one that kills the fun factor in fighting enemies are the types that you get to fight. Throughout the eight hour journey of Nilin, you’ll notice that she will be fighting the same kind of enemies with the exception of a few boss fights. The enemy designs are bland and they look boring. As for the boss fights, they are pretty interesting but another factor that kills the fun factor is the excessive checkpoints. Unfortunately, every time you reach a certain point of the boss’ HP, there will be a checkpoint and if you end up dying, you then can restart at the HP where you left it off. Pretty much if you are expecting some sort of a challenge, don’t be.

Ideas Falls Short
Remember Me is a game where Dontnod introduces a lot of interesting ideas but falls flat in the end. While they succeeded in the story department, other parts like the combat and platforming seems to be lacking. With the combat system, it would be a lot more solid if there are several more combo slots that we all can use, and the non-stop melee attacks are just plain repetitive and boring. In short, the combat system feels rushed where it could’ve been better by adding more flair to it. In terms of platforming, they fail to make use of the game’s beautiful environments. Everything about Remember Me’s visuals are impressive but unfortunately, the way the platforming segments are done in the game is just not enough to keep everyone entertained.

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Memory Remixes Are too Few
In addition to the great narrative, another feature the game excels in is the Memory Remix. However, due to a few memory remixes that are playable in the game, I find it lacking and wanted to see more. The idea introduced in altering memories to have a different outcome may have been done in different games but Dontnod did it in a fashion where it’s quite interesting. Unfortunately, the lack of memory remixes are nothing but a huge disappointment.


In the end, Remember Me is not the game that you will have to remember after all. The premise of the first couple of episodes may seem appealing as the ideas Dontnod attempts to introduce is interesting but it all quickly falls flat somewhere in the middle. The story is good and it’s one of the greatest strengths of the game. As for the memory remixes, it could’ve been better if there’s several that you can play along but unfortunately that will not be the case. More or less, Remember Me is good for a rental and nothing more.

[Editorial Note: Remember Me was reviewed on the Xbox 360 platform. The game was provided to us by the publisher for review purposes.]

One thought on “Remember Me Review

  1. Yeah I can agree with this review, aside from the bland enemies bit. I thought they were pretty interesting like those enemies that hurt you every time you hit them. The problem was that there were just too few.

    I liked the game a lot, but I agree that they could have thought things out a bit more like adding in more pressens or some such.

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