Zombie Mode Was in the Works for Wipeout 2048

A while back it seemed like everyone had zombie fever. We had several zombie games and too many games featuring them. While not every game called them zombies, but they were close enough that we thought of them. In an unlikely twist they apparently are also a problem in 2048, though in all seriousness it’s not as bad as it sounds.

Zombie mode was a odd name for a survival mode. Here you would try to last as long as possible, while more enemies try to take you down. Apparently the longer you last would also result in bigger zombie ships. This definitely sounds like an interesting mode, but it got the axe due to time constants. Don’t worry too much as it may reappear as DLC down the road.

So what do you think of this idea? Do you like the name or would you have preferred a more traditional survival mode? Tell us below!