Get Demon’s Souls at an Insanely Low Price

Following the recent price drop of Demon’s Souls on the PlayStation 3 to $29.99, the price drops once again making it perfect for anyone who wishes to dive into the Kingdom of Boletaria.

Starting today, players can purchase the highly acclaimed Demon’s Souls at a price of $19.99. If the player prefers a used copy of the game, they can always purchase it at a price of $17.99.

Demon’s Souls is now available exclusively on the PlayStation 3. Check our review to hear our thoughts on the game! Head to your local GameStop retailers for avail the price.

2 thoughts on “Get Demon’s Souls at an Insanely Low Price

  1. I downvoted for the lame title. “Insanely Low”. Overblown titles need to GTFO. Insanely Low would be like $4, not $20 for a 10 month old game. It’s low, sure, but not “Insanely Low”.

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